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Datenschutz 2
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GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679


We wish to inform you that Borgognoni spa will process your personal data as a Data Controller, in full compliance with GDPR 679/2016 concerning the protection of personal data.

Data Controller and Data Processor
In relation to your personal data, you can exercise all rights provided for in Articles 13 (data collected from the data subject) and 14 (data not collected from the data subject) of GDPR 679/2016, such as, for example, the changing, deletion, correction, and anything else provided for by the standard by directly contacting the Data Controller: Borgognoni spa via del Bufalo 126 -00198 Rome Italy.

The Hotel collects data both independently (when booking online from its website and when guests check in) or through External Data Processors (hotel booking portals and travel agencies): these are the means that triggers our Data Processing as the Data Controller.

The legal basis for data processing is the consent of the data subject, which is requested each time and not related to the conferment obtained during the online booking and registration at the hotel.

External Data Processors.
We list below the technical partners whose correspondence:
Blastness srl, VAT/Tax Identification Number: 01195440118, ENROLLED IN THE ECONOMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE INDEX OF MILAN 2107189, Registered Office: Galleria del Corso, 2 – 20122 Milan, Italy.

Processing of personal data and related purposes.
Each section described below allows the collection of data for the specific purpose. Failure to complete the fields marked as mandatory (marked with an asterisk) will correspond to a failed conferment of consent, thus preventing the processing of data and, therefore, we will not be able to provide the service requested
Your personal data, subject to the provision of multiple hospitality services at our structures will be collected by Borgognoni spa and its technical partners. The data will be recorded and processed on paper and/or with the aid of electronic means and can be stored in special databases. The data will not be used for other purposes, except those required by the current Public Security legislation.

  • 'Booking' page - the profile of users who ask for information through the 'Booking' page will be used by Borgognoni spa exclusively for hotel hospitality operations carried out by Hotel dei Borgognoni;
  • 'Contacts' page - the profile of users who ask for information through the 'Contacts' page will be used by Borgognoni spa for communications regarding the individual request received by Hotel dei Borgognoni;
  • 'Mailing list' (newsletter) - the profile of users who subscribe to the 'Newsletter' will be used by Borgognoni spa for periodic informative and advertising communication related to Hotel dei Borgognoni;